How Does ERC Work? Understanding the Basics of ERC


European Research Council (ERC) is a pan-European funding scheme that supports outstanding researchers in Europe. It aims to attract and retain the best talent by providing them with financial support to conduct high-quality research. The ERC provides researchers with the freedom to choose their own research topics and projects, ensuring that the best ideas are funded. In this article, we will explore the basic principles of the ERC and how it works to promote research excellence in Europe.

ERC Funding Schemes

The ERC offers two main funding schemes: Advanced Grants and Starting Grants.

1. Advanced Grants: These are aimed at researchers who have already established a track record of excellence in research and who are looking to expand their research vision and team. Advanced Grants provide up to €2.5 million over a period of five years to support research projects that are innovative, ambitious, and high-risk.

2. Starting Grants: These are designed for early-career researchers who have recently completed their PhD or who are within their first five years of their research career. Starting Grants provide up to €1.5 million over a period of five years to support research projects that are innovative, ambitious, and high-risk.

How to Apply for an ERC Grant

To apply for an ERC grant, researchers must first submit a research proposal. The proposal should include a brief overview of the research project, the scientific rationale, the expected outcomes, and a description of the team involved in the project. Proposals must be submitted through the ERC online portal.

The ERC has a two-stage assessment process. In the first stage, the proposal is evaluated by an independent panel of experts in the relevant field. If the proposal is judged to be of high quality, it will advance to the second stage, where it will be reviewed by an even more expert panel. The panels make recommendations to the European Commission, which makes the final decision on the funding of the project.

Benefits of ERC Funding

ERC funding offers numerous benefits to researchers, both in terms of financial support and professional development.

1. Financial support: ERC grants provide researchers with the necessary resources to conduct high-quality research, allowing them to focus on their scientific work rather than administrative tasks.

2. Professional development: ERC funding not only provides financial support but also contributes to the professional development of researchers. Being part of a highly competitive process, such as the ERC, can greatly improve a researcher's networking and international exposure.

3. Research excellence: By funding cutting-edge research, the ERC contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of lives across Europe.

4. International recognition: Receiving an ERC grant is a significant achievement, and it can open doors to other funding opportunities and collaboration with leading researchers worldwide.

The European Research Council (ERC) is a powerful tool for promoting research excellence in Europe. Its funding schemes, such as Advanced Grants and Starting Grants, provide valuable support to researchers at various stages of their careers. By funding innovative, ambitious, and high-risk research projects, the ERC contributes to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of lives across Europe. If you are a researcher looking to expand your research vision and team, the ERC could be a valuable investment in your future success.

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