EC1155 vs EC721: Understanding the Differences between these Two Standards in the Internet of Things


The Internet of Things (IoT) has become an integral part of our daily lives, with devices ranging from smart homes to industrial machines all connected to a network. To ensure the safety and security of these devices, two standards have emerged: EC1155 and EC721. In this article, we will compare and contrast these two standards, highlighting their key differences and implications for IoT devices.

EC1155 and EC721 Overview

EC1155 and EC721 are both standards developed by the Ecma International organization, which is an international standard-setting body for information technology standards. EC1155, also known as ECMA-1155, is a security framework for IoT devices, while EC721, also known as ECMA-721, is a data exchange format for IoT devices.


EC1155 is a security framework that aims to ensure the security and privacy of IoT devices by providing a set of best practice guidelines. It focuses on the security aspects of IoT devices, such as data protection, authentication, and authorization. EC1155 also emphasizes the importance of security testing and certification, ensuring that IoT devices meet the required security standards.


EC721, also known as XML Data Format for IoT Devices, is a data exchange format designed to facilitate communication between IoT devices. It uses XML, an extensible markup language, to represent data and enables devices to exchange information in a structured and semantic manner. EC721 focuses on the data aspect of IoT devices, allowing devices to communicate and interact with each other.

Key Differences between EC1155 and EC721

1. Security vs. Data Exchange

EC1155 is a security framework that focuses on ensuring the security and privacy of IoT devices. It provides best practice guidelines for security aspects, such as data protection, authentication, and authorization. EC721, on the other hand, is a data exchange format that enables devices to communicate and exchange information.

2. Certifications and Testing

EC1155 emphasizes the importance of security testing and certification, ensuring that IoT devices meet the required security standards. EC721 does not specifically address certification or testing, focusing instead on data exchange and communication between devices.

3. Application Scope

EC1155 is a broader standard that can be applied to a wide range of IoT devices, from smart homes to industrial machines. EC721, on the other hand, is more specific to data exchange between IoT devices and is not as widely applicable.

4. Implementation and Integration

EC1155 provides a framework for ensuring the security and privacy of IoT devices, which can be challenging to implement and integrate into existing systems. EC721, on the other hand, focuses on data exchange and communication between devices, making it easier to integrate and implement.

EC1155 and EC721 are two important standards in the IoT landscape that address different aspects of device security and data exchange. While EC1155 focuses on security and best practice guidelines, EC721 provides a data exchange format for IoT devices. Understanding the differences between these standards is crucial for developers, manufacturers, and users of IoT devices, as it helps to choose the appropriate standard for their specific needs and requirements.

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